Finding courier services that deliver from Canberra to the Riverina is difficult.
The online purchasing world is going mad, and you can buy just about anything either online or over the phone. However the courier services availability and delivery experience and pricing often leaving alot to be desired. How do you get access to city based range and value, without having to physically do it all yourself?
If you live in a regional area, you know small-town living comes with a whole host of benefits.
However, if you don’t live in a major city, at some point you have probably – or will – face issues around freight and delivery of products you cannot buy in your own town, and have had to search more widely for.
Take this situation for example:
You’ve bought some new furniture, and you need to get it shipped from A to B – A typically signifying a major centre such as Wagga Wagga, Griffith or Canberra, and B representing the smaller towns, such as Young, Temora, Cootamundra, West Wyalong, that you are in.
More often than not transporting the goods from A to B means going through multiple freight zones, and possibly multiple couriers, which in turn means multiple zone charges and extended wait periods for goods because freighters only operate on certain days, additional fuel levies, and a whole lot of stress for you.
This is where we have made it easy. (Twice!)
- Firstly, having developed a simple pricing structure for the Riverina and South West Slopes areas, means consumers engaging with us for freight experience a single standard rate per palette or box, and won’t be hit with additional charges just because they need shipping over a larger distance. No zoning, no additional charge because you are further away from a major centre, just one set price. That’s it!
- Secondly, we’ve established a weekly Canberra Courier Service, to allow those situated in smaller regional areas to easily access the same products available to their metropolitan friends.
So typically when you need furniture/equipment/bulkier items, but the closest centre you can get them – because of a more extensive range of choices – is Canberra. You don’t have a trailer, and the cost of a removalist or Canberra-based courier service is exorbitant. The high costs leave you priced out of the market and prohibit you from getting what it is you need.
This is why we have established ourselves as a Courier Service in and out of Canberra , based in Cootamundra, so that you can now visit Canberra(online, over the phone or even in person), purchase what you need, and engage with us to get it couriered back to you – wherever you are in Wagga, Griffith, Leeton, Narranderra, Temora, Young West Wyalong, Tumut or anywhere in the Riverina, MIA or South West Slopes. We can easily get your goods delivered from Canberra direct to your door.
Changes to our systems mean you can experience better, faster, more inexpensive, well-coordinated and hassle-free transport of your goods, through simple pricing structures, and Canberra-based services.
No more stressing about getting goods couriered through multiple zone and from major centres, and no more uncertainty about how much it’s going to cost you to receive your shipment.
Contact us today to find out more and book our Canberra service.